Gretel Uptegrove

Data Scientist and Unrepentant Geek



"I was Gretel's instructor for the Rutgers Data Engineering and Data Science bootcamp, and I heartily recommend her for anything in the Software Engineering, Data Engineering, Data Science space. Gretel not only showed a strong intuition and eventual mastery of the technical skills necessary to succeed in today's job market, but also that she's a team player; Gretel would spend large amounts of time helping other students get unblocked with their coding homework. I have no doubt that having Gretel on your team would be a huge asset and she would deliver at the highest standard and make everyone around her better." - Zach Fry, Product Reliability Team Lead at Palantir Technologies

If code was a symphony, she'd be Beethoven.

pi pie

Loves pi(e).


Curious intellectual adventurer, delving into this world of data.