Belly Button Biodiversity

Belly Button Biodiversity Visualization

Created an interactive dashboard to visualize information from the Belly Button Biodiversity DataSet from The Public Science Lab at North Carolina State University and deployed as a heroku application.

Launched to Heroku

GitHub Repository
Technologies Used
Data Sources
Example Code
  • Languages
    • Python
    • Javascript
    • HTML
    • CSS
    Data Extraction and Munging
    • jupyter notebook
    • pandas
    • numpy
    • sqlite3
    • SQLAlchemy
    Data Rendering and Visualization
    • Flask
    • Jinja
    • d3
    • Plotly
    • Belly Button Biodiversity DataSet: A dataset of bacteria gathered from the belly-button of participants in a 2011 - 2012 study from The Public Science Lab at North Carolina State University.

  • Flask & SQLAlchemy

    D3 Chart
    D3 Chart

    D3 Gauge
    D3 Gauge